Young Researcher’s Medals and Prizes
Young Researcher’s Medals and PrizesThe CMS Young Researcher Prize is intended to recognize outstanding achievements of the young members of CMS. The Prize is awarded annually to at least three young members of CMS who have made a most significant and sustained contribution in CMS over many years in any area (hardware, software, technical, analysis). The prize as of 2020 includes a cash sum of CHF 1000 and a momento for each recipient. The recipients normally have less than eight years of experience after gaining their Ph.D. in physics or 10 years of work experience for other areas.
Name | 2023 Nomination |
Olena Karacheban |
"For her crucial and sustained contributions to the measurement of luminosity, the operation of the BRIL system and her role in steering its HL-LHC upgrade."
Benedikt Maier |
"For his crucial and sustained contributions to the search for new physics, including dark matter, using simplified models, development of machine learning in physics analyses and in computing and data management." |
Huilin Qu |
"For his crucial and sustained contributions to the development of heavy-objects tagging algorithms exploiting advanced deep learning techniques, especially in the context of measuring H-> cc." |
Adinda de Wit |
"For her crucial and sustained contributions to the analyses of the properties of the Higgs boson." |
Name | 2022 Nomination |
Davide Ceresa | "For his crucial and sustained contributions in designing front-end ASICs for the CMS Tracker and the High Granularity Calorimeter" |
Rajdeep Chatterjee | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the electron/photon reconstruction in ECAL, the analysis of decay channel H->gg, the precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson, and test beam studies of the HGCAL." |
Jan Kieseler | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to top quark precision measurements, to the development of novel analysis methods and seminal concepts in machine learning with impactful applications, and to the CMS upgrade programme through physics projections, HGCAL reconstruction software and silicon sensors studies." |
Yuta Takahashi | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the study of the lepton flavor anomalies observed in B decays, both with new-particle searches at high-pT and indirect searches at low-pT, for his developments in tau lepton reconstruction for each of these, and his leading role in the trigger strategy for pursuing the flavour anomalies in Run3." |
Name | 2021 Nomination |
Andrew Gilbert | "His crucial and sustained contributions in providing first evidence for Higgs boson decays to tau leptons, in the combination of the Higgs boson measured in the CMS and CMS+ATLAS experiments, and the back-end electronics of HGCAL." |
Marco Lucchini |
“His crucial and sustained contributions to the development of fast scintillating crystal-SiPM based detectors for the precision measurement of timing of charged particles, the design and prototyping towards the barrel mip timing detector.” |
Meng Xiao | "Her crucial and sustained contributions to the analysis of CP and other properties of the Higgs boson in its four-lepton channel, the EFT analysis of the Higgs boson in several of its decay channels, and to the alignment of the inner tracker.” |
Name | 2020 Nomination |
Zeynep Demiragli | "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the searches for new physics, especially using mono jet signatures, to the JetMet group and to the trigger and data acquisition in CMS." |
Lindsay Gray | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the physics justification, the design, and the approval of the mip timing detector (MTD), and to the performance studies of the high granularity endcap calorimeter." |
Thomas French | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the environmental control and systems integration of the Endcap Calorimeter upgrade and to the activities of Technical Coordination, especially in reducing risks to the long-term operation of the magnet." |
Louise Skinnari |
"For her crucial and sustained contributions to the studies of the top quark, especially the measurement of the production cross-section, and the development of the track reconstruction in the Level-1 Trigger for HL-LHC." |
Name | 2019 Nomination |
Lorenzo Bianchini | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the commissioning of specific algorithms for the “particle flow” technique, the measurement of H-> ττ and the observation of the ttH channel" |
Maria Luisa Cepeda Hermida | "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the operation of the Level-1 and High-Level triggers, to the search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson, and to evaluating the attainable precision for the properties of the Higgs boson from future measurements." |
Loukas Gouskos | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to MET studies in the initial phase of the experiment with ever increasing integrated luminosity, to the search for 3rd generation Supersymmetric particles and in machine learning based algorithms for b-tagging and classification of jet types." |

From left to right: Matthias Kaseman, Guido Tonelli, Lorenzo Bianchini, Loukas Gouskos, Maria Luisa Cepeda Hermida, Tejinder Virdee and Roberto Carlin. Joe Incandela and Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here (Photo: M.Hoch)
Name | 2018 Nomination |
Cristina Botta | "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the search for, and subsequently the measurement of, the Higgs boson via its decay into two Z bosons, and in the observation of the Higgs boson in association with top quarks." |
Lea Michaela Caminada | "For her crucial and sustained contributions to the construction, installation and commissioning of both the original and the upgraded barrel pixels detectors, and in measurement of B-meson production cross-section and the observation of the Higgs boson in association with top quarks." |
Matthew Nguyen | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the studies of heavy ion physics, especially of jet quenching, b-jets production and the modification of Particle Flow algorithm for the study of heavy-ion collision events ." |
Nicholas Wardle | "For his crucial and sustained contributions to the combinations of results from diverse studies of the Higgs boson in CMS and CMS+ATLAS, and in developing a novel method of background modeling." |

From left to right: Joel Butler, Tejinder Virdee, Nicholas Wardle, Lea Michaela Caminada, Cristina Botta, Matthew Nguyen, Guido Tonelli and Joe Incandela. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here
Name | 2017 Nomination |
Mingshui Chen | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the installation and commissioning of the CSC muon system, the discovery of the Higgs boson in its ZZ (*) channel and the measurement of its properties via the combination of all pertaining results." |
Cristina Fernandez Bedoya | "For her sustained and critical contributions to the design and commissioning of Muon DT electronics chain, and leading the operation of the DT muon system as well as of the CMS Muon system." |
Sudarshan Paramesvaran | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the commissioning and running of the Level-1 calorimeter trigger and in the coordination of the running and data-taking of the CMS experiment." |
Mikko Voutilainen | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development and deployment of jet energy corrections critical for physics results from channels using jets." |
Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the physics of the Higgs boson and the top quark and the simulations for the development of the endcap high granularity calorimeter for the HL-LHC Upgrade." |

From left to right: Guido Tonelli, Tejinder Virdee, Sudarshan Paramesvaran, Mingshui Chen, Mikko Voutilainen, Cristina Fernandez Bedoya, Joe Incandela and Joel Butler. Missing from the photo: Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here
Name | Nomination |
No Prize given for 2016 |
Name | 2015 Nomination |
Joshua Bendavid | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of photon and electron energy reconstruction, the discovery of the Higgs boson via its two-photon decay mode, and the Tier-0 operation at LHC startup." |
Silvia Goy Lopez | "For her sustained and critical contributions to the definition of the menu for High Level Trigger at LHC startup, the trigger and online support of the barrel Drift Tubes system, and her key contributions to the CMS Run." |
Giovanni Petrucciani | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of software for the Physics Analysis Toolkit, the optimisation of tracking, the discovery of the Higgs boson in its ZZ(*) channel and the measurement of its properties via the combination of all pertaining results" |
Andrew Rose | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the Global Calorimeter Trigger, to the development of the Time Multiplexed Trigger for Run 2, the innovative implementation of new physics algorithms in highly constrained firmware and the role in the design and implementation of the MP7 processor board." |

From left to right: Tiziano Camporesi, Tejinder Virdee, Joshua Bendavid, Giovanni Petrucciani, Silvia Goy Lopez, Andrew Rose, Guido Tonelli and Joe Incandela. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here
Name | 2014 Nomination |
Kostas Kousouris | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of jet energy calibration, tests of QCD and searches for new physics using jets." |
Andrea Rizzi | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the silicon microstrip tracker, its exploitation through the development of software for track reconstruction and secondary vertex tagging, and the search for long-lived exotic particles." |
Markus Stoye | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of the software for the alignment of the Tracker, to the measurement of the polarization of W bosons at high pT, and to the search for supersymmetry in all–hadronic and single lepton channels." |
Jean-Roch Vlimant | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of software for the calorimeter and tracking triggers at HLT; data quality monitoring, detector simulation and reconstruction software." |

From left to right: Tejinder Virdee, Andrea Rizzi, Guido Tonelli, Kostas Kousouris, Markus Stoye, Jen-Roch Vlimant and Tiziano Camporesi. Michel Della Negra and Joe Incandela could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here
Name | 2013 Nomination |
Colin Bernet | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development of particle-flow based global event description and its use in CMS physics analyses, and to the search for the Higgs boson in its decay to tau leptons." |
Andre David | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the preparation and commissioning of the electromagnetic calorimeter, to the search for the Higgs boson in its decay to photons, and to the combination of results from its various decay modes." |
Oliver Gutsche | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the development, deployment and operation of the world-wide distributed Computing system of CMS." |
Dymtro Kovalskyi | "For muon reconstruction, of a new "lightweight" event display for CMS, of lepton triggers, and to the search for the Higgs boson in its decay to W bosons." |
Andrea Petrucci | "For his sustained and critical contributions to the design and implementation of many components of the Data Acquisition system of CMS and to its operation." |

From left to right: From left to right: Guido Tonelli, Colin Bernet, Andre David, Oliver Gutsche, Dima Kovalskyi, Andrea Petrucci, Joe Incandela, Tejinder Virdee. Michel Della Negra could not be present at CERN. More photos can be found here