The CMS Collaboration announces more than 40 new results for Moriond 2025.
In Higgs physics, following a comprehensive research program aimed at characterizing the Higgs boson by measuring its properties and interactions across various decay…
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The CMS experiment has conducted a comprehensive study of the rates of production of top quark pairs created along with a photon, both inclusively and as a function of several kinematic variables.
As the heaviest fundamental particle, the top…
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The CMS experiment studies the Higgs boson as a potential window into dark matter, and sets constraints on this mechanism, which gives rise to isotropic sprays of low-energy particles.
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describes the strong…
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The CMS experiment has conducted a search for heavy beyond-standard-model particles (referred to as a Z′ boson) that give rise to a top quark-antiquark pair decaying into hadrons. The search excludes the existence of the new Z′ boson with…
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The ratios of the B meson production fractions have been measured for the first time in the CMS experiment.
B mesons are composite particles consisting of a bottom antiquark and another type of quark, such as an up, down, or strange quark,…
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CMS discovers associated production of a Z boson and an ϒ meson.
At the CMS experiment, we have observed for the first time an exceptionally rare process: the associated production of a Z boson with an ϒ(1S) meson, the lightest bound state of…
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The Higgs boson is deeply connected to the mechanism that generates the masses of elementary particles. In the Standard Model (SM), which describes the properties of all elementary particles and the interactions among them, the Higgs boson…
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CMS scientists discover some of the rarest collisions that the LHC can produce – such as the scattering of light by light – and learn more about the quantum nature of electromagnetism, search for new particles, and much more.
In everyday life…
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In a recent result, the CMS experiment has combined a comprehensive set of searches for the production of not one but two Higgs bosons – the result is a significant step towards observation of this elusive process, and constitutes a legacy of…
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In a first measurement of its kind at the LHC, the CMS experiment tests whether top quarks adhere to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, and improves the bounds on noncompliance by up to a factor of one hundred with respect to previous…
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Going back to the origins, in a latest result, the CMS experiment rediscovers the Higgs boson and measures its rate of production in the "golden channel", now at the unprecedented centre-of-mass energy of 13.6 TeV.
The discovery of the Higgs…
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In a recent result, the CMS experiment measures the production of charmed D0 mesons in collisions of a photon with a heavy lead nucleus for the first time.
Atomic nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons, which in turn are made up of more…