
| achintya | Collaboration
14 June 2014, London, UK Tejinder (Jim) Virdee FRS, a professor of Physics at Imperial College, London, and one of the founding fathers and former spokesperson of CMS, has been honoured with a knighthood “for services to science”. This was announced…
| sphicas | Collaboration
At its meeting on June 19, CERN Council authorised CERN management to finalise discussions with Pakistan for Associate Membership of CERN. This is the final stretch towards a major milestone for CERN: Pakistan would be the first Asian country to…
| sphicas | Collaboration
CMS news since the last newsletter of May 19: Maintenance of the CMS Pixel detector Update from Physics Coordination (2014-06-06) CMS inaugurates its high-tech visitor centre Quark Matter 2014: the full crop from CMS Quark Matter 2014: news from…
| decosa | Collaboration
During Long Shutdown 1 (LS1), that started in 2013, both the forward Pixel (FPix) and the barrel Pixel (BPix) detectors were extracted from inside CMS for maintenance, in order to recover the broken channels. The extraction took place on May 2nd…
| mnguyen | Physics
A few of the results that CMS presented at this year’s Quark Matter conference were highlighted a couple of weeks ago in the CERN Courier article that was also posted on CMS news. That article was posted before the start of the conference, so it did…
| malgeril | Collaboration
In the past few weeks the physics groups have concentrated their activities on wrapping up the new results for the LHCP conference (June 2nd-7th) and preparing for ICHEP (July 2nd-6th). We have presented 12 new results at LHCP, excluding the very…
| Anonymous | Collaboration
The new Building SL53 on CERN’s Cessy site in France is ready to welcome the thousands of visitors (30,000 in 2013) who come to learn about CMS each year. It boasts low energy consumption and the possibility, in the future, of being heated by…
| klute | Collaboration
The goals of the Phase II Technical Proposal (TP) are to describe the detector conceptual designs; present a plan for completion of necessary R&D; present preliminary production costs as well as an organization plan; and demonstrate the need for…
| rolandc | Physics
This article originally appeared in the CERN Courier on 22 May 2014. Although the CMS experiment was designed primarily for precise measurements in proton–proton (pp) collisions, in recent years it has demonstrated exceptional capabilities in…
| sphicas | Collaboration
CMS news from the past two weeks: RPC Upgrade (RE4) is complete Update from Physics Coordination (May 16) Reminder of upcoming CMS events: - Second TSG trigger tutorial (organized by the Higgs trigger subgroup): May 28 - Upgrade Phase 2 Trigger…
| malgeril | Collaboration
In the last two weeks the approvals activity continued to increase heading to QM2014 and LHCP conferences. In the searches area we had the review of one of the first analysis using b tagging in boosted topologies. B2G-14-002 presents a search for…
| paolucci | Collaboration
On May 4th the RPC subproject successfully completed the installation of the RE4 upgrade detector. The first disk was installed in December 2013, while the installation of the second disk (fig. 1) was scheduled in two time windows; the first, about…