
| jmans | Collaboration
The first CMS Upgrade Week of 2014 was held at Karlsruhe in the first week of June []. The goal of the week was to present the first draft of the Technical Proposal (TP) for the Phase 2 Upgrade of CMS. The TP,…
| alanaro | Collaboration
Since March this year new layers of Muon chambers have been added to CMS on both YE3 endcap disks. Two additional rings of 36+36 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC), which complete the forward η coverage of muon station 4 (so-called ME4/2) in the region 1.…
| rakness | Collaboration
The April Global Run (AGR) took place last week, Monday-Friday 7-11 April. This being the first run since November 2013, the last run using the Run-1 DAQ, and the last run just before an extended cooling maintenance at P5, we embarked on the week…
| malgeril | Collaboration
We have had three important events on the “Higgs front” in the past few days: ⁃ Our H→ττ paper (HIG-13-004) is now accepted for publication by JHEP ⁃ The last of the “legacy” analyses, H→γγ, has now entered CWR and is heading towards publication, in…
| barneyd | Collaboration
As reported previously (ECAL Preshower removed from detector for repairs), both Preshower (ES) endcaps were removed temporarily from CMS and moved to the SX5 building at the end of 2013. This was due to four faulty “feedthroughs” (two per endcap)…
| carlin | Collaboration
The Trigger Studies Group (TSG) had its first workshop of 2014 in LAPP Annecy, on Mon-Wed Apr 7-9. TSG workshops are intense events, attended by around 40 people, where questions to the speakers during the talks are encouraged and unlimited, and 20…
| sphicas | Collaboration
CMS news from the past two weeks: En route to 2015: update from physics coordination, 2014-04-04 Spring 2014 Offline/Computing Week Completion of CSC innermost station refurbishment and testing CMS news posted on the public Web site: CMS…
| malgeri | Collaboration
After the wave of new and exciting results presented at the Winter conferences, the physics object and analysis groups are now focusing on the preparation of the CSA14 readiness test. We have clustered the CSA14 “analysis” efforts around a few…
| wulz | Collaboration
From the desk of the CB Chairperson The CB Chair team is pleased to issue the second newsletter of the year. Draft minutes of the last CB meeting at CERN (28 Feb. 2014) are here. Some highlights of the CB meeting during this CMS Upgrade Week in…
| sphicas | Collaboration
The spring joint offline and computing week was held at CERN March 25-28 (the full agenda can be found in Indico). The main theme of the week was the readiness of the CMS computing infrastructure and the CMSSW software for the 2015 startup. The…
| sshalhou | Collaboration
During the week of March 19, the CMS endcap muon upgrade passed a major milestone, with the completion of the certification of the final 36 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) for reinstallation on the CMS detector. The 72 chambers comprising the first…
| gaddi | Collaboration
At the time when the minds of a few physicists are occupied with the design of a new detector, and the first meetings take place around a coffee table with detector engineers, the subjects discussed the most are the intensity and homogeneity of the…