The TBPS Rings are in production, offering an innovative design to incline sensors toward the LHC beam and maximise coverage. They are the first support structures in production for the new Tracker!
As part of the CMS Hi-Lumi Tracker, construction…
The first of the improved Resistive Plate Chambers for Hi-Lumi CMS were installed in record time during the LHC winter break.
The RPC Hi-Lumi CMS Project reached an important milestone at the start of 2025 by delivering the first half of its final…
2024 was an impressive year: the most data ever collected by CMS, many important results including two landmark results (W boson mass and top entanglement), milestone for the upcoming Hi-Lumi CMS detector reached, and ever more innovations pushing…
Welcome to our look back at 2024 - and what a year it has been!
After last winter’s planned technical stop of the LHC, everything started back up again so that CMS could continue collecting data for the LHC’s Run 3. We published a piece about how we…
Above: Part of the BTST team during the unboxing of the tube. (Image: Noor Abduljalil J Abdulla)
In a massive step toward CMS’ High-Luminosity era detector, a key component of the build has arrived at the CERN laboratories.
CMS has received a…