The TBPS Rings are in production, offering an innovative design to incline sensors toward the LHC beam and maximise coverage. They are the first support structures in production for the new Tracker!
As part of the CMS Hi-Lumi Tracker, construction…
Above: Part of the BTST team during the unboxing of the tube. (Image: Noor Abduljalil J Abdulla)
In a massive step toward CMS’ High-Luminosity era detector, a key component of the build has arrived at the CERN laboratories.
CMS has received a…
After more than two years with lots of delicate work the Pixel Tracker has been successfully installed at the centre of the CMS detector and it is now ready for commissioning.
The Pixel Tracker is the CMS sub-detector closest to the interaction…
The CMS detector is going through multiple maintenance works during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (LS2), the first year of which is approaching its end. The beginning of 2019 saw the CMS Tracker Pixel detector extraction that is now stored in a clean room…
After the LHC was shut down at the end of 2018, one might think that physicists working in the large experiments can sit back and relax. On the contrary, CMS will undergo an intensive upgrade and maintenance program during the two-year long…
The LHC circulates protons inside its beam-pipes not in a continuous stream but in several very closely packed bunches. In order to maximise the probability of the tiny protons colliding with one another, the LHC tries to pack as many protons as it…
The Year-End Technical Stop or YETS, when the LHC takes its annual break, seemed like a quiet time to those outside CERN. After all, there were no collisions taking place and the CMS detector was not operating 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.…
Christophe Delaere, from the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium, has been with CMS for five years. Christophe works on the Tracker, the sub-detector that traces the path of charged particles that are formed in collisions at the LHC.
At the turn of the year, the Tracker management baton passed from GianMario Bilei (picture, at right) to Karl Aaron Gill (picture, at left), who will be the Tracker Project Manager for 2011-2012. GianMario's two-year term started on January 1st,…
The 2010 CMS Achievement Awards were given during the opening session of the December CMS Week, on December 6, 2010. Two out of the 14 awardees are Tracker members, whom we warmly congratulate:
Gordon Kaussen, for outstanding contributions to the…
The Tracker held its first "Week" outside CERN. The meeting took place in Hotel Hermitage, a nice seaside resort in the small village of La Biodola on the Elba Island (Italy), from 23 to 28 of May 2010. It was a full-immersion 5-day workshop. The…
As the LHC has delivered the first collisions and the first CMS physics paper with collision data is published, in a memorable ceremony Awards for Outstanding Achievements in the Construction of the CMS detector were given to 100 collaborators. 21…
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