After the LHC was shut down in December 2018 following the successful completion of RUN 2 operation, CMS is undergoing an intensive upgrade and maintenance program during the current two-year break (“Long Shutdown 2” or LS2) in order to ensure an…
During LS2, CMS will install 144 additional muon detector modules specially designed to detect particles produced in the very forward region.    For the CMS experiment, Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) is like very prolonged open heart surgery. The…
In February, the CMS and MoEDAL collaborations at CERN signed an agreement to hand over to MoEDAL a section of the LHC beam pipe that was located inside CMS between 2008 and 2013. The delicate object, 6 metres long and made of beryllium, will now be…
The CMS detector is built from several different layers, surrounding the beam pipe in which the LHC beams collide. The subdetector that is closest to the collisions is the pixel detector. It has a functionality similar to a digital camera taking 40…
After the LHC was shut down at the end of 2018, one might think that physicists working in the large experiments can sit back and relax. On the contrary, CMS will undergo an intensive upgrade and maintenance program during the two-year long…
A successful four years of CMS detector operation came to an end last week and now we are beginning a new chapter. The next two-years of Long Shutdown (LS2) will mark an important transition for CMS. Against a background of the intensive 5-…